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Our daycare focuses on life skills. From the infancy to about 4 years old, children must learn to walk, talk, eat, go on the potty, wash their hands, brush their teeth, how to get dressed, tie their shoes, use utensils, pour their milk, cereal, spread their butter, cut their bread, clean up after themselves, learn appropriate behavior, self control, manners, interaction with adults, peers and their very new and oversized environment. We use problem solving, decision making everyday while interacting and playing.  We promote independence, socialization and interpersonal communications disguised as fun and play.  These are key elements which contribute to the child’s development, self esteem and confidence. We touch up on academics such as Colors, 123's, Alphabet, Fruits, Vegetables, ABC's, Animals, Planets and States, EVERYDAY. But THAT is NOT OUR FOCUS! Our focus is on LIFE SKILLS.
Nutrition is important to us!!!

When feeding our Little Peas, we strive to go above and beyond state guidelines by shopping at Farmer's Market on weekends, and whenever possible, buying preservative and additive free products, and buying "spray free" and organic foods. We try to feed them as many whole foods as possible and we provide home cooked meals.

We encourage new food and our house rule is that 'we don't have to eat it, but we have to try it'. By routinely exposing children to as many different foods as possible we aid in the healthy training of their taste buds. We always encourage children to eat their food but they are never forced.